Jonathan McGuire headshot in black and white in office space
Jonathan McGuire headshot in black and white in office space
p: 503.485.2424
Contact Jonathan
Partner - Real Estate

Jonathan McGuire, CPA

Aldrich CPAs + Advisors LLP
Jonathan's Specialization
  • Real estate
  • Partnership taxation
  • Tax planning and compliance
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Repair regulations
  • Qualified Opportunity Zones
  • Qualified Opportunity Funds

Jonathan McGuire has over ten years of experience providing strategic tax planning and compliance expertise to private middle-market clients. He has a deep focus as a real estate accountant, working with investors, developers, realtors, property managers, and other professional service providers in real estate. He works with a wide range of property types ranging from single and multi-family residential developments to commercial properties. Jonathan specializes in repair regulations and the effects they have on those who own real estate. He also helps clients defer capital gains taxes using qualified opportunity zones and qualified opportunity funds.

Prior to joining Aldrich, he spent time in public accounting in Seattle, Washington. Jonathan graduated with a master’s in taxation from the University of Denver.  He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and business management from Corban University in Salem, Oregon. Jonathan is also an adjunct professor at Corban University’s business school and a board member of Hope Village.

Jonathan was recently named 2021’s Top 25 Tax Specialists and has been previously featured in Forbes.


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