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Portland Business Journal Ranks AKT Wealth Advisors Among Top Money Management Firms

Portland Business Journal has ranked AKT Wealth Advisors LP 14th on their list of top money management firms in Oregon and S.W. Washington.

“This recognition validates our commitment to building partnerships with our clients based on shared values, trust, and sound wealth management advice,” said AKT Wealth Advisors President Scott Barchus. “We have an outstanding team of advisors who provide our clients with the best opportunity to achieve their financial goals.”

The issue also featured an article by AKT Wealth Advisors’ Chief Investment Officer Darin Richards on the Six Risks to Identify Before You Invest: “Risk is hard to define because it means something different to each of us. In the investment world, we measure the risk associated with a particular investment or an investment portfolio in a variety of ways. In addition to the investment portfolio risk, other critical risk factors that impact fiscal health include longevity, inflation, spending, unexpected career changes, asset protection, and behavioral biases. A good financial plan addresses all such risk factors and their impact on each individual’s circumstances.”

According PBJ’s The List, the combined AUM from Oregon and S.W. Washington money managements firms totals around $36.1 billion and includes 10,564 individual clients. Information was obtained from firm representatives through questionnaires and could not be independently verified by the Portland Business Journal.

AKT Wealth Advisors, LP, is an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. AKT Wealth Advisors provides wealth management services where it is appropriately registered or exempt from registration and only after clients have entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement confirming the terms of the client relationship, and have been provided a copy of AKT Wealth Advisors’ ADV Part 2A brochure document.

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