Step 1: Set Your Goals
Set targets for your upcoming donor acquisition plan, like the spending budget, the number of new donors you think you’ll acquire, and the amount of extra revenue you will bring in as a result of these efforts. This gives you a benchmark for result comparison.
Step 2: Analyze Your Current Donor Data
Look at your existing donor demographics, such as age and location. This can help you discover the most effective development strategies, like which social media platforms to use and whether you use more digital or phone/direct mail. If you have different types of donors, you could run separate campaigns based on which you think would be most effective for each group.
Reference any previous development campaigns to see how they performed and select a few metrics that are important to you. Compare strategies you think were a success versus ones with lower metrics to understand how you could improve future campaigns.
Step 3: Decide on Your Outreach Strategies
If you’re working with a limited acquisition budget, decide which fundraising strategies are the most cost-effective for generating long-term donor value. You could rank them all by this factor and then concentrate on the ones at the top of the list.
Step 4: Track and Adjust as Needed
After you launch your campaign, continue tracking data like open rates for emails, donor acquisition rates, and retention rates. Evaluate trends and successes, such as a new flyer that led to many new donations. That way, you can continue finetuning how to use your nonprofit’s budget best.