Just when you thought you were done with 2022’s year-end work, a recent court decision changed expectations regarding cost allowability and reinforced those related to timekeeping. In January 2023, the Federal Circuit Court found that the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) ruled inconsistently with the Federal Acquistion Regulation (FAR) and improperly interpreted Raytheon Co’s corporate practices and policies. This allowed Raytheon Co to overcharge the government in lobbying and merger and acquisition (M&A) activities.
While the judges explicitly state that policies interpreting FAR provisions are acceptable, they recognize that company-specific policies can misinterpret them. Context remains an essential factor in how your company interprets and puts into practice the FAR. A policy related to certain activities and timekeeping is insufficient to make the related costs incurred allowable.
This ruling may impact your company’s policies and procedures related to government contracting in two major ways: timekeeping and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) unallowable time.