Insurance is another way to prepare for financial emergencies. Review your disability insurance. Whether you have it through your workplace or on your own, review your policy to ensure that you have enough to cover expenses in the event that you cannot work for a period due to injury or illness.
Factor in some additional savings to cover the cost of premiums and health care in case you lose your job. You may be eligible for continued coverage via COBRA, but you are responsible for the premium and it is only available for 18 months.
Then, consider your life insurance policy. There are two types of insurance that may work for your specific situation:
- Whole life: Provides life insurance coverage, plus other “living benefits”, including access to the cash value through loans and partial surrenders (subject to policy provisions). These policies could therefore potentially provide access to emergency cash.
- Term life: Typically less expensive than whole life, but term life provides death benefits only.
The bottom line? Everyone needs an emergency fund – no matter your age or income level — so you are prepared for rainy days ahead.
Aldrich Wealth LP helps our clients protect and grow their financial assets for the future, by helping them make smart financial decisions today. If you would like assistance in determining your retirement needs, please contact us or call Aldrich Wealth at 888-299-3102 to speak with a financial advisor.