Agriculture Tax Credits + Tax Breaks for Farms

Opportunities for tax credits and deductions

A colorful, orange sunset over agricultural land that is being watered with sprinklers; agriculture tax credits and tax breaks for farms.

R+D Tax Credits for Agribusiness

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Taxation is one of the core issues of today’s political discussion, and the future is uncertain for many. As many taxpayers attempt to minimize their tax burden, agriculture is an often-overlooked industry which can benefit from the R&D tax credit.

The research and development tax credit is an incentive available federally and in most states. Many people assume the R&D tax credit is intended for high-tech industries such as software development, semiconductor design, or pharmaceuticals. However, any taxpayer who engages in the development of new or improved products or processes is likely to qualify for the credit.

Common Examples of R+D Tax Credits for Agriculture

Agriculture is rife with activity that qualifies for the R&D tax credit.

Development of new or improved storage techniques

This can include the development of packaging to control moisture or temperature, or structural design to ensure that product doesn’t degrade (such as the clumping of grain, or unwanted molding and fermentation).

Development of new or improved conveyance systems

As material is moved throughout a process, there are often changes to the process design to improve speed/throughput, decrease material loss, or to improve the reliability of the process. Design for transport (such as trucking or refrigeration design) can also qualify.

Development of new or improved products or processes to maximize yield

As the taxpayer seeks to improve the growth or return on a crop or livestock, there are a wide variety of activities that qualify:

  • Testing of new or improved planting or harvesting techniques
  • Testing of new or improved chemical additives or fertilizers
  • Testing of new feeds or feeding techniques to improve livestock health or growth
  • Testing of new soil blends including pH, mineral content, or nutrient density, etc.
  • Testing of new techniques or products to prevent disease or pest damage
Development of new or improved software

This can include software designed to aid with material tracking, land utilization, and selection of crop based on soil characteristics.

Development of new or improved irrigation technologies

This can be the development of mechanical or electrical systems, as well as software design to automate the process.

Development of new or improved techniques or equipment to minimize environmental impact

This includes techniques or equipment designed to remain compliant with evolving environmental regulations.

Meet Our Agribusiness Tax Credit Specialist

Alex Bray, JD, LLM, MBA

Aldrich CPAs + Advisors LLP

Alex leads the Aldrich Tax Credits and Incentives group. Before joining Aldrich, Alex was a director at a tax consulting firm and a senior associate at a Big Four firm. Specializing in business tax advisory and quantitative services, Alex enjoyed connecting with leaders from startups to large businesses, all interested in pursuing the R&D tax… Read more Alex Bray, JD, LLM, MBA

Alex's Specialization
  • Agribusiness tax credits
  • Construction tax credits
  • Engineering tax credits
  • Manufacturing tax credits
  • R+D Tax Credits
Connect with Alex
Alex Bray's head shot in black and white in office space.

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