Manufacturing Day 2015, MFG Day 2015

Manufacturing Day 2015: AKT Recognizes Local Manufacturers

AKT is a proud sponsor of MFG Day 2015, a national celebration of the manufacturing industry, demonstrating the potential of modern manufacturing and the opportunity for careers.

In honor of MFG Day 2015, AKT has partnered with three regional trade associations to award a Certificate of Recognition to one manufacturing member of each organization.

Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA), the leading regional food manufacturing trade association in the U.S., selected Oregon Freeze Dry to receive the recognition.

Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR), supports Economic Development for Marion and Polk Counties helping businesses grow and thrive in the Mid-Willamette Valley. The SEDCOR MFG Day 2015 recognition is awarded to their Manufacturer of the Year, GARMIN AT.

Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC), an association of companies in the defense and security industries, fosters economic growth in the manufacturing community. Their Certificate of Recognition for MFG Day 2015 is awarded to Meggitt.


To celebrate the recognition of these three manufacturers, AKT is making a donation in the name of each recipient to three organizations that work with youth in disciplines that support manufacturing professions.

  1. Clackamas Academy of Industrial Sciences (CAIS), providing students an innovative, contextual learning environment focused on Manufacturing Technologies.
  2. Impact NW: Pathways to Manufacturing, an incubator for high school aged children designed to address industry workforce needs, help lower the drop-out rate, and provide clear pathways to rewarding careers in manufacturing.
  3. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), showing students of every age that science, technology and problem-solving are not only fun and rewarding, but are proven paths to successful careers and a bright future for us all.

The AKT Manufacturing Group is actively involved in the manufacturing sector supporting quality associations who also serve manufacturers. Together these organizations strive to provide resources, education, and assistance to help manufacturers take on the challenges and opportunities they face.

“Our team is proud to be closely associated with valued trade associations and support worthy organizations helping to address the challenges manufacturers face in attracting talent and skills into their industry sector,” said John Lauseng, Partner, AKT Manufacturing.

For nearly four decades, AKT Manufacturing has served manufacturers across the western United States with industry-specific business counsel and services.

“AKT is dedicated to the success of our clients. We want to help shape the perception of manufacturing as a desirable profession to help sustain the manufacturing sector as a whole,” said Lauseng.

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